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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Berserk: Delusion

Today, on the way to the grocery store, I was thinking about how deluded people can be.

Then, when I got to the store, there was this couple with this little kid who was blocking the turnstile. Meanwhile, I was having really impatient thoughts about their slowing me down, as I had to wait for the kid and the cart, and the Mother to get out of the way. In fact, I was so preoccupied with how they were in the way, preventing me from getting through as fast as I wanted to, and so forth, that the wheel on my cart got stuck on something, and I couldn’t get it loose, and the people behind me got stuck waiting for me. I felt like a complete fool.

Upon reflection, ‘that was so beautiful,’ I thought. Isn’t life grand!’ And I meant it.

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