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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bringing: Connecting the Dots

How we do
Set traps
For ourselves!

We bind ourselves to
This world of delusion,
And ask, “who did it?”

We hound ourselves,
Never giving ourselves
A break,
Or directing an ounce of
Compassion towards our folly.

“How foolish!” We cry,
“How ill-considered and unwise!”

But such judgments
Only give us
Further justification
For self-castigation.

The opportunities for
Are endless,
And this downward spiral
Ensures continuation of
Our bondage.

And so,
From these observations
I conclude:
How worthless is clear seeing
Without loving-kindness;
How useless is Wisdom
Without Compassion;
How futile is discernment
Without sympathetic joy;
And, how equanimity requires
All of these.