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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Employed: Getting on With

Do the dishes,
Have a glass of water,
There’s no particular order
And no bother;

Put away the laundry
And write a poem,
Darn some socks
And patch some clothes,

My to do list overflows
And I keep going,
From one task to another, uninterrupted,
Not knowing how,

Not conscious of choosing,
Just flowing on,
I pause and breathe deeply
And then write some more.

I get up and make tea
And drink it,
Wash the mug,
Then it’s time to sup.

Getting ready for work
I leave
And in working
I find no rest,

Wishing to be back home,
Sitting in my comfortable chair,
Watching the sun set
And the clouds ride the air

And yet there’s no grasping
And so, soon I forget,
Becoming engrossed
In where I am.