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Friday, May 28, 2010

Compatible: Just What’s Happening

Cold coming on:
Sore throat,
Fatigue, malaise,
But eerily calm.

Sleeping poorly
But drowsily settling in,
Breezing through
Barely touching the ground,

Easing through,
Relaxing dreamily,
Seemingly sedate,
Too tired to be irate.

Listening to sounds,
Seeing shapes,
Feeling sensations,
Smelling somebody’s food cooking faraway.

Being with the body,
Noticing its rhythms;
Energy is lacking
But I’m still dancing.

Working steadily,
Enjoying the ride;
Reflecting on the reality
Through which we slide,

Putting that aside
To flow with the tide:
Making waves
And being one,

Floating along
Never far flung,
Staying in close
But not holding on.