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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Eddy: Con-current

Boredom revisited,
Can hardly wait
To get away
From this situation;

Voice grating on my ear,
Speaking useless nonsense,
Mindless too
I fear.

Overcome by nausea,
Arising in response
To this pointless din,
This tiresome tedious drone.

What is it?
That so annoys?
I can never determine
But only endure.

How repetitive,
Why do I bother
Getting bothered?
Why don’t I stop?

And then it’s over
And relief arrives,
Temporary or not
I’m well pleased just the same.

Breathing returns to normal
And the stomach settles
But the puzzlement continues,
Even as I write.

Yet drinking in
The welcome respite
From this ridiculousness,
Until the next occurrence
Replaces it.