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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bulky: Confounding Among the Dust Mites

On the floor
I counted breaths,
And my wondering mind
Pondered my attachment
To a pattern of attachment.
I have this habit of
Getting hung up on
Certain people,
But when I asked
What this hang up was
This made me pause.

For who is getting caught
If there is no who,
But only sensations,
Feelings and thoughts?
And if these are merely
Happenings, or processes,
What is being grasped at?
Nothing in fact.
It’s just grasping,
Which is the cause of suffering.

But how does it get stopped?
How do I do that?
For who is “I” anyway,
But only sensations,
Feelings and thoughts?
So, how can “I” stop?
Or, is this stopping only
Something that occurs
In which case “I” stopping
It would make no sense.

So, who is it who stops suffering,
And who is it who stops it?

Then mind let go again for a while,
And there was only breath.