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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Exert: Seeking

Seeking for
Dispassion from
The inconstancy
Of the conditioned realm,

Hungering after cessation
Of incessant clinging
To unmet desire,
Impossible to satisfy,

That distracts me from
More purposeful pursuits,
Which could lead to release
From the bonds of Samsara;

Battling Mara,
Instead of walking away
And not fighting
Another day;

Dodging arrows
With agility,
Takes practice
And ingenuity,

Exactly what I need
To be freed
But difficult to keep up,
From this particular place;

Preferring ease,
To struggling with
These challenges
And difficulties;

Longing for rest,
Peace and quiet
And all the best
Of what life has to offer
And yet, seeking the end of suffering.