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Friday, August 5, 2011

Emphatic: Change

Is there anything new?
Or can it be true?
Have I exhausted all topics?
Surely not!

Ideas come in spurts,
Like a fountain that intermittently bursts,
Then dries up every summer,
When the reservoir runs out of water.

But ‘tis well to rest
Until the rains return;
Meanwhile, I repair my gear
To prepare for fishing off the pier;

‘Tis then I’ll set my net,
When the water re-animates the creek,
When cool autumn winds re-appear
And the shadows arise earlier.

Already, the days shorten
And the night heat lessens,
The sun still shines hot
But the temperature has begun to drop.

Won’t be long until thoughts
Of busy September well up,
Season of Atlantic gales
That gives rise to hurricanes.

Batten the hatches time,
Checking batteries,
Sweeping out the storm cellar
And restocking,

So many tasks
And yet too,
Making room
For a bit of fun, now and then!