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Friday, September 10, 2010

Curiosity: Playing with What’s On

Grocery shopping:
Pulling the buggy,
Dodging carts and kids,
Checking prices,
Trudging home and stowing it.

Preparing supper:
Water in the pot to boil,
Oil, almonds, lentils, barley, rice,
Chop, chop, in go the vegetables,
Letting it simmer and spicing it up.

Mixed bag meditation:
Aching in the back,
Bliss and aversion,
Spacious attention,
Sloth and torpor.

Internet dancing:
Viewing emails,
Deleting and re-arranging,
Renaming and making new folders,
Checking in with forums.

Laundry fiddling:
Out of the washer
Into the dryer,
Out of the dryer
Into the drawers and closet.

Same old routine,
Some would call it,
But I’ve learned
That every moment
Is different:

Every sensation, feeling, thought,
Worthy of a, ‘what’s this?’
Every task or action
Merits careful attention.