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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Definitely: Gathering Steam

My arthritic aching big toes!
As I rub them, one at a time, I think
‘May this practice bring relief
To all beings so distressed.’

I dispatch metta
To all beings
Over and over again,
And a bliss and a smile
Break out all over,

And then I ponder on
How happiness only
Seems to come
In these spare moments
Without tasks to do,

But then correct myself,
Remembering times when
Joy infused my duties too,
Though it was not
Without great effort;

So then,
Perhaps in time
I will find a way
As other people do,
Or so I’ve heard,

I stumble on,
Looking for
My way,
Whatever that may be,

Like the seekers of this dark season,
Gather to wait
For the pending return of the sun
(Or the son, as the case may be).