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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Curtains: Folding and Unfolding

This meditation mostly about
Holding the posture,
Which at the end
Found I’d done incorrectly!

Experimented with full lotus,
Went surprisingly well,
Seems better on the floor,
Too painful with cushions;

Amazing how hard
To maintain a posture,
And whenever my mind wandered
It was because I’d let that posture slip,

Every time I noticed,
Energy redirected towards the posture,
Very effective for
Re-establishing concentration;

Found this practice
Valuable and helpful,
Learning how to be,
Or merely re-discovering?

Afterwards, when sitting
With my tea,
Felt much better,
Still felt concentrated.

Gosh, peace is hard work!
Sitting around only
A small part,
For then there’s everything else,

But that’s most of it,
This effort seems so puny,
And the rest so enormous,
Or maybe simply because of identification with
Only one tiny bit, instead of just inhabiting all.