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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Discerning: Seeing This

Fibromyalgia attack!
Reframing pain as energy,
Dancing with the fire,
Absorbing the flames
And breathing them back out;

Hey, could this be
The source of the story
The Buddha breathing fire?

Maybe not
But it makes me laugh
And that feels good,
Cooling the burning.

Let it burn!
Or so I’ve heard
But I’d rather transform it
Into something wonderful

And can I do that?
At least partly.
Could it be that simple?
What if it is?

That would be beautiful
To just see it as light
And banish the dark
To wherever it came from,

I did it before
And I’m doing it again
And that’s okay
For as long as it lasts;

I only need see this,
That all is well
But getting to see this,
That’s the skill.