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Monday, April 16, 2012

Eyeful: Fully Energized

Fully energized.
Could it be
Because it was
My last day on, for a while?

Or is it spring?
Or is it
Just some unexplained
Accidental exuberance?

But either way,
It’s purely physical
And so, not much
Is happening here.

All is quite mundane,
No cause for alarm,
No grievous harm
But only charm;

The charisma lava
Flows on,
From some unknown
Or hidden source;

Here for a time
And evaporating again,
Falling as rain
And laughing down the drain;

And it seems as if
There’s less pain
But no loss, no gain
In any other frame;

I’ll just keep going then,
As long as I can
Until it’s time
To move on.