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Monday, February 21, 2011

Discovery: Exploring Absorption

Steeped in fatigue,
Lay down on the bed
And put attention on the breath,
Counting each inhale

And after a while
The mind quieted down
And what next arose
Was great happiness and joy,

Blissful feelings vibrated through
From head to toe,
Equaled by amazement
That such could be so,

Turned awareness towards this activity
And deep absorption ensued,
One pointed concentration and more,
As awareness deepened too;

How long these events lasted
Was difficult to know
But lay down at 8:30 pm
And did not rise ‘til midnight,

Getting up and stretching vigorously,
Feeling the body,
Experiencing the refreshment
Of the resulting replenishment;

Incredible to see
What a difference
Full absorption can bring,
What energy, what peace,

Such wonder in this
Simple practice,
Each time it’s repeated
When I’m feeling depleted.