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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Gain: Getting There

Impurity abounds
And yet
Perhaps imperfect knowledge
Is better than no

Even though
Insight be flawed
Maybe this too is
Better than naught

Even if
We cannot see clearly,
The seeing is incomplete
The sense organs defiled;

The fact we know
A little
And that by that knowledge
We should not be overawed

Possibly such insight
However suspect
Is better than
Having none at all

Even though in twilight we walk
Often not even knowing
Whether or not we stumble,
Let alone on what!

This may be all we've got
But perhaps this faint illumination
So urgently sought
Is really quite a lot

Imperfectly perceived
Imperfectly comprehended
Nevertheless a blessing to those who find it,
As well as to those who haven't yet

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