Overwhelming fatigue,
How long will this
Latest recovery be?
I hate this waiting game,
Sleeping off and on all day,
Dragging through my tasks,
Feels like climbing Mount Everest,
Luckily have time to rest
And a place to do it,
How fortunate!
Pushing forward
Through the groggy mist,
Trying to keep going
No matter what the test;
Mindfulness is tough
When I can barely lift my head,
Persistently I did metta from my bed
Attempting to dream up some happiness and vigour.
Towards the evening I rallied,
And though my appetite was still poor
I ate fairly well,
Telling myself this is just a temporary spell.
Determinedly I take another step
And follow that with more of the same,
Not sure what’s to gain
But no energy to consider such aims;
Sometimes I think these days are the best
As there’s no energy left for anything but doing,
The mind gets a rest
From all the extra thinking,
And for all I know
That’s the point,
The actual link.