Snow dancing
All the way home,
Shining flakes romancing
And playing in the night,
Irresistible to join in
And prance down the street,
Bathed in the white shower
That then crunches at my feet,
Ice crystals forming
All over my hat and coat,
Hugging lovingly
Refusing to let go,
Holding their shape
As long as they can,
Then melting and dripping
All over the pavement;
Little bits stick together,
Float and zoom on the wind,
Streaming down
Like icing sugar,
An energy jig,
Out there embracing
And feeling one with it,
Grinning and ogling with delight,
Merrily loping along,
Looking up at the flurry,
Walking through the slurry,
Rejoicing all the way home,
Shaking my hat and coat out
And hanging them by the door,
Removing caked boots
Before sashaying to the computer
To write this account.