All seems hateful,
What to do?
I just want
To keep moving!
And so, on the grocery shopping trail
Once more
And felt good for that
But so much restlessness;
Still agitated,
Satisfaction degenerates
To dis. once more,
As if I didn’t know this!
It’s quite familiar,
Ah well, so it goes,
But where from and where to?
It seems not to matter,
Now is forever,
It’s right here
In front of my face,
Nothing has changed
And everything’s in flux,
Like travelling, when
One barely feels the motion
And after a while
Not at all;
And that moving feeling
Let’s us know we’re here.
So, faster and faster
We are inclined to go,
Until something breaks
And we have to slow,
Grumpily railing against the delay
Before grudgingly settling into the new pace.