Relief and ease up well,
As rest replaces restlessness
And energy is replenished,
Making way for further exertion,
Meanwhile nature arranges a blizzard,
Reveling in the chaos
Snowflakes come out and play,
Performing a celebratory dance upon the wind,
And after watching this show for a while,
I put on one of my own,
Moving about the kitchen
Measuring out ingredients and chopping vegetables;
As the snow piles up,
So do the contents of my cooking pot,
My colourful answer to
The weather’s gray and white display;
We work together at our respective tasks,
Spontaneously, joyfully,
And as the stew comes to completion
The snow slows to a trickle,
And sitting comfortably with my tray
I take time to observe the frosty display,
Fluffy drifts blowing
Creating spirals in space;
Then I turn to tasting the results of my efforts,
Savouring the many flavourings,
Appreciating the varied textures
And the simple satisfaction of a carefully prepared meal;
But soon now I will join the outdoor festival,
Donning my winter gear
And stepping lively,
Inhaling deeply the invigorating air.