It’s pigeon mayhem
Around here,
Someone has fed them
And they just keep coming
And so, out I go
With my string mop
To the balcony
Waving it like a lance,
These irritating, messy birds flee;
Thus, every time I see
One of these filthy creatures,
Out I go,
Perhaps this is a hint
That I don’t get out enough
Or have not been exercising much of late
But I sure am now!
It’s not difficult
To remain mindful and alert
And get a good work out
When these villains come to call,
In addition, however,
I’ve been contemplating
Pigeon pie
And pigeon stew
But could I really do that?
Perhaps not
But if this keeps up
Who knows,
Maybe I would acquire a taste
For such and set some traps out there
But hopefully they will soon move on
And we won’t have to find out.