Energy roiling around
Inside my head,
Like a hissing cat,
All cranky and tense,
Steam blows,
Frustration grows,
Fibro-fog has no respect
For attainment or achievement,
Nature remains unimpressed
By the strivings
Of an aspirant
And most unsympathetic,
What shall I do
With a head
Full of fluff,
Drowning in dizziness and kafuffle?
Fumbling about
For some solution
And finding none,
Mind scrambled like eggs,
So infuriating
It makes my brain ache,
As it struggles
To cope with this ongoing impediment,
This has
Gone on too long!
But it ignores
All protests and complaints,
If Fibromyalgia were a politician
It would be bounced out of office!
But this scourge knows nothing of democracy,
Or if it does, I’ve been outvoted!