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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Evanescence: Short Break

The elephant tirade continues
Until it resolves into
An orderly parade,
A disciplined promenade,

The elephants stop
Beside a lake
And take a drink,
Watching warily for predators

And so,
I sit once more,
Amidst this temporary lull
In whatever ails me,

Although it’s better
Not to consult the list,
Or I’ll start to feel sorry for myself
All over again,

Lonesome and depressed,
Wondering ponderously
Or wandering aimlessly,
Until something better occurs to me,

This pointless rumination
Must stop
And so, thinking of the elephants
I cheer up,

They really are
Such beautiful creatures,
So intelligent,
Gregarious and elegant,

So well formed
And marvelous,
A tribute to
Nature’s ingenuity.