Burning and tingling pain
Aback the legs again,
Making meditation
A bit of a challenge at first,
Especially the stabs
On the left hand side
But not exclusively,
As behind the shoulders ached too,
Not to mention
The top of the feet
Where floor and foot meet,
When sitting Burmese style
But at the same time,
Straightening the spine
And easing down into position
Gradually reduced the discomfort.
Then just sitting,
In a relaxed state,
No hurry,
Leaving all worries behind,
Minutes ticking gaily by,
A break at the end of a long day,
A welcome change
And a chance to fully rest,
At ease,
With no one to please
Or be criticized by,
Being my own boss
And not cross,
Nor at a loss
About anything;
Ending with stretching.