Weather warm-up coming soon
Triggered pre-migraine munchies,
But meditation on track,
Following the breathing
And letting go,
Seeing clearly
What is not mine,
And marveling at everything,
All patterns inside and out;
Sense of freedom grew
And equanimity bloomed,
But not for long
As fatigue set in,
Nevertheless, remembered that
All effort brings benefit,
And this motivated further exertion
Which generated more mindfulness,
Just as yesterday’s actions
Brought today’s observations,
So today’s positive actions
Pave the way for better results,
It’s vital therefore
To continue building on the practice,
Breath by breath the attention expands,
Opening possibilities and generating confidence,
Even weariness presents an opportunity
To examine this feeling,
And the sensations that
Go with it,
Directing the attention
To the resting
And noticing what that’s like,
On this autumn night.