It is our contention that
Reality is as mindless
As a headless chicken.
In fact, it is a headless chicken!
Any order is apparent only.
It must be irrational.
And so, we must be irrational too
Because we arise from the irrational.
There’s no exploitation
Of reason, however,
Because there’s nobody here
To exploit it.
Okay, so then, what is suffering?
Perhaps it is just
Getting stuck on a feeling
That something isn’t quite right.
But feelings are subjective and particular
And that’s the point.
They are neither true nor false
But just feelings.
In a sense
They are merely
Reality expressing itself
In a certain way.
There is reality
And then
There is how
You feel about it.
But I think
I’d better leave
All this to philosophers
And instead,
Simply have a cup of tea!