What if,
Everything we think we know
Is really ignorance:
Everything we see,
Hear, taste, touch, smell,
Think, experience,
It’s all ignorance and delusion.
There are so many ignorances:
The ignorance of a young child,
That we mistakenly call innocence,
The ignorance of a teenager
That we mistakenly refer to as rebellion,
The ignorance of young adults
That we mistakenly call maturation,
The ignorance of middle age
And of old age
That we sometimes confuse with wisdom,
Even though we know that
There’s no fool like an old fool
And no fool as foolish as we ourselves.
And where’s the Buddha in this?
What did he know?
I would guess just this:
That all of us, even he
Lived in delusion,
The difference being that he knew this,
Although he was assuredly not alone
And yet, just as ignorant and deluded
As everybody else is,
And, upon seeing this,
Was moved
To compassion,
Towards all our folly.