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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Emphasize: Seeking Encouragement

It gets tiresome after a while:
Searching for new ideas,
Looking for a way
And finding none;

Then it’s back to work
And mundane living,
Awaiting inspiration
And enlivening,

Rationing the energy
Until it starts reviving,
Watching clouds go by
And doing laundry,

Hanging out the tee shirts to dry
And bringing them back in,
Listening to the thunder
And the rain,

Starting to wonder
If anything will ever change,
All the while making constant adjustments
Without even feeling it;

Everything goes on
Without anybody controlling it,
It’s such a miraculous thing
And yet as ordinary as all of it,

Like washing the sink,
Scrubbing and polishing it
Until it shines like platinum,
Reflecting the sunlight streaming in

And now it’s time to do some other thing,
Although I’ve forgotten what,
So weary of waiting,
So tired of effort,
Nevertheless getting on with it.