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Monday, May 17, 2010

Coil: Stuck on Caught

To rest in the potentiality
Of the moment
Brings happiness,

Or maybe the best way
Is to forget about it,
And when caught
Get reminded.

Then there is only
Getting caught and un-caught;
So, why study that?
Why take an interest?

Does attention not just
Get you caught more?
Or, merely teach you
The folly of getting caught?

Or does such awareness teach you
The foolishness of bothering
About whether
You are caught or not?

Conversely, if you take notice,
Do you see it’s unimportant
And stop?
Or does that increase the stickiness?

Perhaps examining the phenomenon
Only feeds self-obsession and attachment,
As maybe mostly we’re not caught,
And if we are, so what?

Does it matter?—Could this be the point?
(I have the feeling
I’ve done this one before,
Oops, caught again!)