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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Exquisite: Hilarity

I said to myself,
Why be so rigid?
Why not say,
‘what if,’ once in a while, instead?

‘But that’s not very scholarly,’
I opined,
Which is what I thought I was
Or wanted to be.

But I’m not thinking like a scholar
At the moment,
So, let’s see where that leads,
Can I do as I please and think for myself?

But then,
Wait just a moment,
Do I think for myself?

‘NO! I think not,’
Came the startling conclusion,
Nobody does.
How funny!

And if I ask
Who the thinker is,
I find none
And at this,
I laugh even harder.

‘What a crazy world,’
Hardly an original observation
But possibly just as true
As ever;

Sometimes I think I’ll never
Get to the bottom of this,
Perhaps, because,
What if, there isn’t one?