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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Distinguishable: Seeing through the Rain

The rain keeps falling out there
And the birds are returning,
Spring is near,
It’s a sweet scent in the air.

Walking through the rain,
Watching the light through the gloom,
Inside is calm
And a little bit sleepy

But going to work anyway,
Which is okay.
It’s good to have a place to go
And things to do,

There’s a sense of importance,
Of usefulness,
Being part of
The workings of the city,

Like a wheel in
An old fashioned clock,
Running all together
And on time,

Humming along,
Without knowing it,
Each one doing its own thing
But each job connected to every other,

Across the cosmos,
From end to end
And back again,
Always attentive;

Following it’s own way
And yet not separate,
Not aware,
Yet fully conscious.