All things eternal seem close tonight,
As soon as I sat I felt
The opening inner eye,
The channel locking in,
Reality vibrating,
Material and immaterial
Flicking in and out of existence,
Feeling the connection,
And yet,
Viewing this blank page
Inspired me not one bit!
How can that be?
I’m no nearer to integrating
Infinity and the mundane,
That’s always the same,
The repeating aggravation,
So, back to paper sorting,
Reading selections from
The endless stream of mail
And throwing out again;
Used to be I’d watch TV
Or listen to something
While I was doing this
But I did it a cappella,
It seemed appropriate
To be fully aware
And caused no difficulty, except
Reminding me how I miss TV,
Time was, you just plugged it in
But now, complex and expensive,
At least around here,
And so, I keep trying to plug in
To infinity instead!