Finally settled
For a cold glass of water,
Slakes the thirst
Without disturbing the temper,
Crystal display,
Free flowing portrait,
Daughter of the stream
Of life’s mighty ocean;
Essential to existence
As we know it;
Keeper of the dream,
Portal to the illusion;
Rushing down my throat
To join the inner flow,
Dropping on through
And back to the lake
And so, it escapes,
To be scooped up once more,
By pipes or air
Or from clouds to pour;
So full of power
And totally free,
It has no need of me
And no pursuers to flee;
Always at home,
Whether steam, liquid or ice,
Relaxed and at ease,
Yet knowing nothing of these,
Flexible enough
To take on the form
Of a cup
And fill it up,
Without thought or hesitation.