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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cumulative: Lifeguarding

The anti-oppression work continues,
Although even the “anti” is extra;
It’s really more like “not,”
As there’s no force involved,

The attentiveness is light,
I simply notice, ‘there it is again,
That oppression,’
And watch the clouds lifting,

And then, there are
Just thoughts or feelings,
Slowly drifting through
And dissolving away,

Until the next forgetting;
Getting lost amongst
The ruminations
And reactions,

Followed by ‘there it is again’
Or even ‘what’s this?’
And the flow breaks out
Once more;

It’s as if I’m sitting by the shore
Watching the lapping of the waves
Instead of getting pulled
Into the big lake,

But then dazzled by
The sunlight reflected
Off the water,
Suddenly I’m under it,

Dragged out by the undertow,
Into the depths, but then
Resurfacing on, ‘what’s this?’
And ‘there it is again,’
Swimming back in, and resuming my posture.