From the trackless void
Spring overflows,
Green explosion,
Magnificent abundance;
Squirrels dance and forage,
Pigeons peck at tidbits,
The dog walkers
Are out in force,
Picking up after
Their pooches
And generally enjoying
The warm fresh air;
Meanwhile, I simply sit
Above the city streets,
Part of all of it
And observing quietly;
Calmly drinking in
The busy scene
And the tranquil bits
In between;
Breathing in
And feeling the pain
Of the aching muscles
All over the body,
And yet,
The ease continues unabated
Amidst the discomfort
Of the Fibromyalgia;
Aching in the spine and toes,
Where the arthritis lives and grows,
Provoked by another weather front coming in,
Reminding me of the interconnectedness of everything.