Busy, busy again,
So much to ponder and consider,
Thinking about the future
And where I should be aiming for,
Not sure what direction makes sense
Nor what position
I should be taking
On it,
The aftereffects of
So many years of striving
And lean living,
Make decision-making challenging.
Where to go from here?
Is there a place
That’s any better,
Or is it just this?
There are always these two levels
Of interpenetrating reality,
But how do they go together?
I’m having such trouble getting that!
(Sigh) So much to do
And I’m so tired of trying,
Why it’s a great big mountain
I’ve been climbing!
Or is it something else
That I just can’t see clearly,
And how can I get a good look?
My eyes are so bleary,
I appear to be no further ahead,
As there still looks to be
The same number of questions,
And no sure answers.