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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Compassionate: Growth

A nothing day,
Difficult meditation
And deeply depressed mood
Broken finally by
A mantra:
Breathe, relax, open
To whatever is here,

Like the Hindu god Shiva,
Breaks open the egg
So that the baby bird
Can emerge
From there
To begin
A new life.

Then mindfulness
Of breathing commenced,
With everything else
In the background,
And the hatchling found shelter there,
Full presence given to
This being;

Offered comfort as well,
And then depression and anguish
Replaced by compassion
And understanding;
The fledgling stretched
Its wings towards the rising sun,
And basked in the warmth.

A nothing day transformed
Into a beautiful evening,
And a gentle night,
One of peace, ease and steadiness;
With confidence
That as the wings grow stronger
This bird will soar above the clouds.