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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Comeback: There's No Misery Without Company

Dissatisfaction arises from
The seeds of the former
Give birth to the latter.

If I did not have
Some contentedness,
I would experience
No discontent either.

Whenever I look
Behind disliking,
I find liking;
It is the ground underneath,

And so too satisfaction
Emerges from beneath dissatisfaction,
Like the sun peeking out
From behind the clouds.

Miserably staring out the window
What showed through the screen,
But the most beautiful,
Fluffy white cloud I had ever seen.

‘Oh, how fortunate, am I!
To have such a gleaming
What a magnificent scene!’

‘Do you know how beautiful
You are?’ I asked,
‘So wonderful
And so fleeting.’

‘I must be one of the luckiest
Creatures alive
That I should have been present
To see you arrive.’