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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Education: Letting Go

So much more
Letting go to do,
As cleaning out my closets
Was today’s self-appointed chore,

The weather being
So sticky and icky
That it irritates
All my ailments,

Prompting me
To take refuge indoors,
As I have no car or access to,
To shield me from the ill tempered elements.

And so,
I face the difficulty
Of sorting through,
When in no mood or shape to do so.

But, after all,
One must do something eventually,
Or so I feel
And there is so much of it around here!

And so,
The endeavour began
With tee shirts,
Stained and/or holed or too small,

Which ones
Are to be discarded or donated?
Which to be bleached
And which, if any, should be repaired?

Regardless of the sentimental value
Or even if I just really like them,
Nevertheless, out, out, they must go!
Reluctantly but determinedly
I soldier on, through this fearsome process.