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Monday, November 30, 2015

Fully: Imperfection

My Mother
Is dying
Of Alzheimer's disease
My Mother who
I never could please

She remembers me
As one she has loved
But the odd thing is
I don't remember that

What I recollect
Is not to be relayed
No one would want to read of it
Nor see it displayed

But this is consistent
With this day's teaching
Which shall not be

That this world is imperfect
Cannot be denied
From that unpleasant truth
We cannot hide

But the good news is this:
It's exactly the point
The goal is not perfection
But the other shore

And where does that lead us?
To nonperfection of course
Imperfection's close cousin
Nibbana's signpost

We aim for perfection
But find it not
Then follow imperfection
To the end of grief

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