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Monday, July 30, 2012

Fade: Leave Taking

My last night on
Was quite a mess,
So much went amiss
And the cause?
Twas one of the usual suspects, of course!

But I won’t go there,
Not wanting to
Single anyone out,
Even one who deserves it,

As I’m gone anyway,
All is left behind,
Renounced and abandoned
For all time;

But as a consequence
Of this rude behaviour,
I could not say a proper goodbye
To the last caller!

Nevertheless, at the end of the shift,
I took the opportunity
To give a proper farewell to the premises,
Which shall be greatly missed.

After everyone else had left,
I pondered the many memories
Of this venerable old building
That is amazingly still standing!

So much has echoed
Through, inside and outside
These aging walls,
What secrets they could tell!

I sat long and wandered, lingering,
Remembering much, longing for some of it
And glad some else had passed,
Saying final farewells and taking my last leave at last.

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