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Monday, October 3, 2011

Endowment: Indecisiveness

There is
So much energy here!
It’s exhausting
To be so infused,

I can barely contain
My ardour
And yet,
I can’t seem to get any farther,

I’ve got such an itch
But keep hitting this glitch
That I can’t seem
To get it together,

Could it be
The cooler weather?
Has that
Put the zap on my head?

But I forgot,
All is mutually arising,
Could it be that instead?

Oh well,
Whatever it is,
I’ll feel better soon,

Then once again,
I can bloom like a flower
Or zoom,
Like a witch’s broom,

Darting across the sky
In the cool
Of the October morning,
Startling unwary commuters.

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