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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

End of the Road

Dear friends:

Well, I guess my time is up as they've finally switched formats on here, and so unless I get a new computer and a faster connection, which is not likely in the cards on my current income, I'm probably out of here.

I'm very sorry about that and I'll miss it too.

Thanks for reading.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Finding: September Afternoon

I had a heck of a day!
First off, some commotion at 1:24 a.m.
By some hallway buffoons, got me riled
So that, I had trouble settling down to sleep
then woke up exhausted, feeling bushed

What got me into this funk
Was my high speed Internet access
Having gone plunk (along with my laptop)
And although this happened quite a while ago
The consequences keep piling up

When I turn on the radio, wanting the weather
Just as often as not, I have to wade through
An enormous amount of blather
Or a stream of bad news about events
In which I have no part and cannot fix

And so, while I was lying around in bed
Thinking of this instead
What came to me twas
That once I'd had the phone number of the weather office
In my old datebooks

'But where did I stow these?' I wondered
And immediately, I arose to search
Having found one, I tried the number
And was amazed to discover
That it still worked!

To heck with
The Weather Network!
And forget the radio
All I have to do
Is phone this number

And now, having gotten up
After some more reflection
I determined to go out and get some more milk
As the previous day I'd noticed
It was on sale

And so, although
I still felt much exhausted
I set off
I even made it to another store
But the pharmacy was closed there

But on the cobblestones outside
I spied
Those pesky pigeons
Wandering about
From side-to-side

I singled one out
And followed it around
Making it so nervous
It kept spinning its head around
Eying its pursuer

Perhaps figuring out
Whether this
Signified a threat
A Pending hand out

Then, all  in a muddle
It came across a puddle
And stopped to take a drink
Maybe in an attempt
To calm down

Eventually someone else
Came too close
And the pigeon took flight
And landed on a safer roost
Ruining my game

Nevertheless I watched it a while
As it began to clean up its feathers
Probably having forgotten
All about me
And considering other matters

Then I turned towards home
But wound up sitting on
A metal bench
Next to an artificial
(Built of concrete) waterfall

It was pleasant and peaceful there
And in the trees I saw many Monarch butterflies
Flapping about in the breeze
Reminding me of their annual migration southward
Flying home to a place they've never been before!

Then after
A time
A grey squirrel came trotting along
Likely a descendent
Of the original proprietor, or so I thought

Then looking down
I spied a tiny ant carrying an enormous burden
I watched it struggle until it successfully maneuvered
This great white something-or-other
Down its ant hole

Presently, a custodian came along
And told me
I had to leave
So that he
Could close the gate

Hence the end of my wandering
When I would be able to
Tear myself away from this lovely scene
And get on home to make supper, do my work out
Stow my purchases (not necessarily in that order)

 And so, the end of a perfect day
And, I think,
'Yes, I could do with,
Some more of this!
My first September off in decades!'

And as for tomorrow's mission folks
I think I need to get some stamps
And post a letter
And maybe shop more
Since I never did make it into the pharmacy door!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fantastic: Recovery Mode

My mind is slowly clearing
After years of cluttering,
Of stress-filled days
And busy nights

This is the first September
That I remember
When I wasn't
Toiling away

I've long imagined
Such a time,
Looked for and wondered
When and what that would be like

And now here I am
Soaking up the scenery,
Observing and absorbing
With astonishment and pride

Experiencing that which
I worked as long for,
Resting in it
And Just plain resting!

Noticing my thoughts
That based on the slowed pace
Are so much more ordered
And obvious

Thinking unclogging,
Creative pores opening
Experimenting on improving
All my efforts

With all attention and energy available
To bring to this endeavour
and any others
That I may undertake