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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Noble: Frugal Pursuit

Lamp fell, lampshade tore
Mended well with packing tape
It is unique now!

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Nimble: Sutta Reading*

Seeing between the lines
laughing at my own folly
securely in touch

*Here I had been thinking about a Sutta I read some time ago, where the Buddha supposedly declared, "I am Brahman," which had confused me at the time, given his supposed teachings about the "self," but then later it occurred to me that although this could be true it was also kind of a joke because based on what I know now it does not matter.  One of the clues was from several other talks I heard that referenced the Suttas as being full of puns that you had to understand the original Pali language to get and some of the texts turning out to be making fun of texts from other traditions.

Nibbana: Haiku III

Not all the time and
not even every day but
cessation's 'in play!'